Our Philosophy
Bright Beginnings Montessori Preschool and Nursery is a family-owned and operated early childhood centre and we are passionate about providing high-quality education and care for our community. Our Montessori Philosophy is an educational system that allows children to learn and experience their world with the goal of being thoughtful, contributing members of society. This is woven through our Montessori sessions but also within every aspect of life within our early childhood setting.
Holistic Approach
Through a holistic approach, we foster tamariki to have a positive attitude to lifelong learning by using highly effective leadership and teaching. Tamariki are seen as competent and confident learners and kaiako use a child-centred educational approach following the lead of tamariki to encourage learning how to learn with priority given, to building strong foundational skills of oral language, literacy and maths. Risk-taking is supported as we believe this is a tool for developing a growth mindset and building inner resilience.
Natural Environment
In our well-resourced centre, we have an expansive natural environment where tamariki can explore and extend their physical capabilities. We believe in providing both time and space to support free movement and active play at a natural pace and rhythm. Children are given the opportunity to be creative, learn through play and explore their world through a wide variety of learning experiences daily.
Relationship Focussed
We provide every child with the opportunity to leave Bright Beginnings Montessori with confidence, independence self-help skills, social and emotional strategies along with practical real-life skills.
At Bright Beginnings, we promote highly responsive interactions and relationships between kaiako, whānau and tamariki. The Nursery follows a primary caregiving routine where each child has a dependable kaiako for settling in and care moments to build secure attachments. We follow the individual child’s needs and routines as children develop in their own way and in their own time.
Bicultural Partnership
We acknowledge the bicultural partnership inherent within Te Tiriti o Waitangi and are committed to using te reo and tikanga in all aspects of our daily programme. The culture and identity of each child are celebrated and are an integral aspect of the curriculum we offer along with valuing the diversity of each family that is part of our learning community.